Tuesday 11 October 2016

Band Homework

Grade 6 Band
  1. Concert B-flat scale 5 notes.  First whole notes, half notes, quarter notes then quarter notes 3 times with the do me soh me do.
  2. Standard of Excellence page 9 Good King Wenceslas
  3. Standard of Excellence page 10 # 30 - 33
  4. Sheet Music First Holiday Concert Measures 1 - 16
Grade 7 Band

  1. Standard Of Excellence page 42 Concert B-flat Scale, Concert E-Flat Scale and Concert F scale.
  2. Standard of Excellence page 39 - 41 Excelerators
  3. Standard of Excellence page 36 solo piece for test in December
  4. Sheet Music 25 or 6 to 4
  5. Sheet Music All Through the Night Measures 1 - 24
  6. Sheet Music Ode to Louie Measures 1 - 20  Clarinets, Alto Sax & Flutes practice to 37