Friday, 23 September 2016

Band Homework Sept. 26

Grade  6
  1. Practice page 6 & 7 Standard of Excellence  Use CD to hear notes.
  2. Practice first three notes as whole notes, half notes and quarter notes.  Begin this after band on Tuesday.  We will go over the exercises in class.
Grade 7
  1. Practice page 42 Standard of Excellence Concert B - flat and E - flat scale.
  2. Practice page 39 - 40 the Excellerators.  You do not need to practice all of them at once.  Just work on a few every day. 
  3. Page 36 & 37 There is a solo piece for practice.  You will be tested on this piece of music in the beginning of December.
  4. Work on 25 or 6 to 4.  This is the piece we are working on in class. 
The more each student practices the better the sound they will get out of their instrument.  Keep working hard at practicing. 

Friday, 16 September 2016

Reminders and Practice Schedule for Band

Grade 6 Band

  1.  Practice blowing into mouthpiece for correct embouchure
  2.  Practice Standard of Excellence page 4 & 5. 
Grade 7 Band
  1. Page 42 Standard of Excellence concert B-flat scale
  2. page 42 Standard of Excellence Concert E-flat scale
  3. page 39 - 41 Standard of Excellence Excellerators
  4. 25 or 6 to 4 Measures 1 - 12
Senior Choir Practice Grade 3 - 7
Tuesday 12:00 - 12:30

Junior Choir Practice Grade 1  2
Tuesday 3:00 - 3:40

Friday, 9 September 2016

Welcome Back to an Exciting Busy Year

Welcome Back to the 2016/17 school year.  This is going to be a very busy year for the music program.  Starting next week September 13 the first choir practices will begin for the Senior Choir and the Junior Choir.  Senior Choir will start Tuesday at 12:00 PM and the Junior Choir grades 1 & 2 will be at 3:00 PM.  The Junior Choir is only for signing up so your children will be dismissed as soon as they get their consent form from Mrs. Mar.  I had an overwhelming response for choir this year so I ran out of forms for the Senior Choir.  I will send these forms out at our practice on Tuesday. 

Band sectionals will begin on Tuesday September 13, 2016 as well.  The first group for sectionals at 8:00 AM is the Flutes.  I hope all the flutes will be bright eyed and ready to work on Tuesday morning.  Here is the schedule for the rest of the instrument sectionals:

Tuesday 8:00 AM                                          Flutes
Wednesday 8:00 AM                                     Clarinets & Bass Clarinets
Thursday 8:00 AM                                        Trumpets
Friday 8:00 AM                                             Saxophones
Thursday 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM                       Trombones
Friday 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM                            Bass Guitars

All instruments should be rented or bought before next week so we can get started learning our instrument or learning new songs.  All students in grade 6 need to attend the sectionals the week of September 13 so the students learn how to put their instrument together and clean them.  This is very important information that needs to be taught to each group of instruments. 

If you have any questions about band or choir please feel free to send me an e-mail or give me a call at the school.

Mrs. J. Mar  Music Director